That’s exhausting. My Snapchat just went down. Let’s talk social media for a second! Seems like a good time is any. How’s everybody doing tonight? Did you subscribe to my only fans? Only fans + my personal website seem to be the only accounts not going down. You can Always check in with me on only fans and my website! And then the classic style, I will post new Snapchat details soon. goodness gracious!
Generally speaking, even with accountant security on regular social media platforms, I will always be easily accessible for a long time to come. Think about it. . My. only fans will be available for purchase until the site itself closes, which I don’t see that happening for at least 50 years. I still intend on posting for years to come. I’m never closing my only vans accounts!. Subscription sites & personal brands have become a permanent part of society, it will only get more sophisticated from here, but it’s not going anywhere. if my paid account gets suspended for some reason, I still have my free account! I have intentionally built in many fail safes just in case. (I am actually a little bit of a doomsdayist. Prepper here!)
Even if only fans closes up shop someday, my paid content got leaked a year or two ago and pu$$y permanently a part of the Internet! My personal website well remain up & accessible as long as I remember to update billing every couple of years. Just keeping the lights on for 100 bucks every 12 months. It’s not like it’s a big amount of money. You just don’t think about it. It could be up for 20 years. It could be 100 years. It could be down tomorrow. (JK it ain’t going down tomorrow unless I want to go down tomorrow.) (“ even if.” Is lawyer speak)
But between you and me, I just want to chill on social media and have my website like everybody else. ESpecially because I got so much cool shit to talk about! And I know so much like a benefit these new girls. I have tried giving the idiots on Reddit some solid advice when it comes to the hobby. Y’all definitely need me! My industry experience is some of the most valuable anywhere online. Especially coupled with my high IQ, achievements, degrees, training, failures & successes, I am incredibly perceptive. I am also never wrong. You should read my articles about client psychology. You should have read the live documentation of the past 12 months. I won’t tell you where it is. If you find it, congratulations! It is the groundwork for my 4th book. It’s a doozy! And literally nobody else can talk about these very real observations but me.
With great pu$$y power comes great responsibility ❤️

I am published on several sites If you’d like to see my writing samples. If you want me as a person, ask me about being a writer in general and I will tell you about my lifelong love affair with the written language. My undergrad degree is in journalism after all. first and only freshman admitted into the prestigious program. There’s probably a lot of fun facts you don’t know, I want to share all of them with you! I am a dope ass girl. Did I tell you about the time I snuck backstage for Snoop Dogg? It was legendary! Wherever I go, chaos follows. 😎💖 that always got a new story to tell.
That’s why it’s so annoying that every couple of weeks I am announcing my Snapchat going down and promising to post a new one. Like let’s move on and talk about some other shit! (But why the accounts keep going down?!)
Rude, rude, rude. what we want is nude nude nude!

I appreciate everyone who stay with me when we go to account and account. I lose contact with really incredible people every time my account comes down. It’s terrible! Especially because it’s not always obvious when an account goes dark. They realize they have not seen in a while one day. They don’t
know my website. They forget that I am googleable (Most people are not searchable like that.)
I have so many messages over the years from people who love to tell me they are subscribers! They are obsessed with my content. Can’t wait to see me again!! People really love me.

Especially if I have to get a new device to get on social media app because of an IMEI ban. It’s very stressful. I used to have a master list of subscribers but a lot of accounts are just gone, I guess, who the hobby, or they forgot about me & when I re-added them they brought along bad behavior that was not present before. My original master list is pretty much useless now. That was weird. There’s been a lot of weird. Consider this fireside chat to be a friendly olive branch. If you remember, I survived a mass shooting less than a year ago. I don’t take a single breath for granted. I got nothing to be upset about. I only have space in my life for the joy and excitement of seeing your cute face online and in person. You know what they say (1) let bygones be bygones (2) it’s all water under the bridge (3) C’est la vie (4) let’s have some fun, this beat is sick, I want to take a ride on your disco stick 😇

I do not have any original accounts from the very beginning of my career! When my Instagram account went down a couple months ago that was the very last OG from the early days. I just never really figured out how to use Instagram so it never went anywhere. I was Twitter, Snapchat, & only fans babyyyyyy! Shit is Poppin!!
I told you when I came back to Twitter, I should be celebrating 50 K followers, but I was deplatformed by my competitors. Nothing has been the same since they were able to delete me. People with big accounts say that don’t mean anything. Each time I start a new account with zero followers, people are quick to call you a scammer or fake or not real and they avoid you. LOL that’s too very interesting Sides of the same coin…. All I can say is what having a huge following did for me! (Literally everything?)

Especially in the past 8-12 months alone I’ve had maybe 6 Snapchat accounts, 5 Twitter accounts, 4 Instagram accounts. People want to follow me! It’s just really annoying.
I tried to redirect Instagram follows from my back up account to a fresh main account - Every time I posted “follow this account instead! Don’t follow me here!!” I was completely ignored 😆 OK that’s awkward… like why are you following me? If you want to see content, why not go to the place where I want to post Contant? Cause I’m not posting content on my back up account. I have Hella content to post! I have 10 years worth of content already. I make new content every day! If you don’t see me posting every day, you are on the wrong platform.

If you aren’t sure about an account, just hit me up and I’ll tell you if it’s me or not. I created every single platform available! So I am definitely out there with you on any platform of your choosing. I am the most friendly girl so don’t be afraid to reach out and confirm an account with me!

Hi, I miss you!
Also, the people who follow me on my back up account are kind of weird. I’ll get 50 new followers & not a single person will leave a comment, send a message, share my post, respond to things I share in real or story, like every single person is entirely quiet and silently watching…. 😆 I don’t think that’s very social of you guys on social mediaaaaaa the same thing happened on blue sky. It’s so weird. I posted incredible content & got ZERO engagement…. That’s so uncomfortable. You know that right? Like there’s no reason why you should be following me if you can’t even give me a or tell me that I’m pretty or subscribe? Like why are you following me if you’re not going to do any business with me? Social. Currency is free. My account won’t grow with engagement. So even if you are broke and have no money to spend on companions, if you are still engaging in sex worker spaces - you need to go ahead and repost/comment/engage.

So would you please be a doll? I’ll shower you with all my love and affection! A mindless RT kid immediately introduced me to the next incredible blessing in my life. (in addition to you as the first blessing!)
Every single dollar has contributed to supporting a good life for me. You made me smile. You made me feel confident. You made me happy. You gave me the courage to lose 100 lbs, quit smoking cigarettes, and take care of my mental health. You sent me to Disney World. We have a really good thing going on! I love us. It’s so effortless. But when everyone pitches in, it’s life-changing.

Especially in this industry, my life (anyone’s life) can change overnight with just a couple of retweet and comments from y’all. It’s literally that simple. 😅 that’s how it works! I post, you like, my business grow immediately. I’ve actually been saying it every day for months. I talk about it every day. Because for 10 years everyone was awesome. You know? I even posted all those screenshots of how popular I am when I have support and visibility. Please don’t be a dick. ❤️😘

Just wanted to gently remind you of appropriate behavior!! I have been famous online for 10 years now. it only took me less than 12 months to hit 15K. So don’t be so uncomfortable and withhold engagement from me. I have the best content! Everyone loves it!! I am adorable, hysterical, intelligent, sexy, Well rounded, grounded, laid-back, and super fun! My postSx went viral Almost every day. One tweet would get hundreds of likes and comments within 10 minutes. So it’s weird when I post something and it gets nothing ever. Or if I post 200+ Well-designed content just for you and all 200+ posts get zero interactions.

I feel like whatever bullshit Allie + that guy tried to pull was obviously them just being idiots. So there’s absolutely no reason for this weird behavior? I feel like I’m talking to a wall halftime. I Repeated so many times this year, “no one has ever treated me like this before.” Then we found out it was Allie doing some dumb shit like always. So let’s get back to our normal broadcast!

Let’s have fun!
Also…. I will work on getting a new Snapchat tonight. I appealed the decision on the account that was banned today. But that’s never worked. My first Twitter account went down because of my profile picture. That sucks so bad. I remember telling Twitter that I would replace the image with something better and that the image had been my profile picture without an issue for a year. I have never won an appeal. I lose account after account after account. But as long as I have a plat form like my website, blog, newsletters, etc., I will definitely keep posting! I would just like to post in a fun way like we usually do. Because right now sex with no foreplay. Dryly going through. the motions, but it’s not satisfying. And WE DEFINITELY WANT TO BE SATISFIED.
I think some people were overwhelmed with my list of dates, but that is actually my real life. Thanks to social media. Like I would not have done any of that social media engagement. Like I said, it changes your life overnight. So if you want me to be happy & successful, you’re going to need to give me some currency. It’s not like I’m ugly. 🤣

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Send me a screenshot of you commenting, reposting, my accounts and links & I’ll send you a free one month pass to my onlyfans!
Everybody wins! That’s because I am awesome.

I have literally met all of my very best clients off of social media. I would not have a beautiful life if I had not met client on social media. So please Relax, let loose, and have fun with my content and my post so that I can meet someone great. Give me an opportunity to be judged on my own merits. I dated so many incredible guys from Twitter for years! The guy who introduced me to shonuff also gave me Jules, my first pair of Gucci sneakers, the most romantic, incredible things anyone’s ever done for me, and took me to the most iconic FMTY dates all over the United States. Literally everything I have from social media. It’s so important to me. Because it’s my entire livelihood. I know you guys just have fun and look at naked girls. But it’s not just a silly little thing to me. It’s literally everything to me! I love social media and having fun with y’all. My content is fire!

We are a community of misfits. There is room for all of us at the table. I am more than earned my seat over the years. I am so many peoples favorite girl in the world. People travel all over the world to see me. They call me a celebrity. They thank me for inspiring them. That is Heather Riley I know. That is Heather Riley you first met! Let’s crank up social media engagement. OK babes? I am the girl you know & love! and I always will be. We have at least 20 years left together. Let’s make some magic happen! I want to go to another Super Bowl! I want more tattoos! I want more awesome shit! The key to the kingdom with you. 💖 treat yourself to the holidays with Heather!

Want more?? OnlyFans.com/theRileyEffect cutiess
Heather Riley
Hopeless + romantic
Elite UTR Luxury Companion
The Gentleman's Choice. The Darling of Everleigh.
Contact via email or text message. CashApp to support my writings $TigerLuxe